Stephen Unachu
2 min readOct 18, 2022


Technology is a passion of mind and I enjoy nothing more than learning the trends that technology is taking in order to work more efficiently and see progress and success. Mapping out the technological solutions for the future is an important way to ensure efficiency is reached in every process possible.

Technology professionals are embedded into a culture of movement, growth and advancement. Their work environments become a birthplace where new and inventive concepts take shape. This field is especially great if you are creative, creativity breeds innovation, and innovation is ultimately rewarded.

What excites me most about technology is that its dynamic in nature and its impact unto this world, now look around everything in the world is stake driven from the friction and non-systems, Finger Printing Recognition, Coding, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Edge Computing, Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Web Development, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile phones app development, voice assistance with our desktops and laptops.

All of this is rules of technology, like artificial intelligence, natural language processing, who would have thought that all of these will be possible few years back. Hmmm, that is what excites me more about technology, it’s unpredictable and endless, it requires you to go way out the world, think out the box to get things done, it gives one a power of will. Also, technology is an open source which mean, there is no limit to what you can achieve within and with it.

I personal believe it’s like the magical power of harry potter which gives you power to go beyond ability and learn what is behind top notch technical development industries.

Now, after learn about the power of technology, who wouldn’t want to retain that information to oneself? why not break the whole world out there and to get to learn them also.

I am a strong believer of the power of the community as I have been shaped by the community in ways I cannot even remember. I personally believe in giving what we know to other people which might either help to shape them positively, like they said, it’s in giving that we receive.

Thank You.




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Stephen Unachu
Stephen Unachu

Written by Stephen Unachu


I love to be referred as a happy boy | I love Tech with everything in me | I push to become a CEH real soon |